One of the challenges faced by refugees coming to a new country is language. Although adult ESL classes are available in-person and online at community colleges and by non-profit providers in the valley, AMWA started its own Adult Literacy Program in 2021 because we recognized the need for:
More teachers speaking the native language of refugees
More female teachers to teach women
More online classes for women with young children at home
Small class sizes for effectiveness
Our program serves mostly working women, women homebound due to lack of transportation or have young children.
We also offer a class for males in evening.
Classes are online and 3 times a week.
Currently, we only have classes for Afghan refugees/asylees who have been in the US for less than 5 years.
Register at www.tinyurl.com/learn-english-with-amwa
Note: There is a long waiting list. Once class becomes available, our Admin will contact you.
Questions, email us at info@amwaaz.org